Summit County Chapter, Ohio Genealogical Society
Finding Living Descendents
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Finding Living Descendents
Posted: 02/02/2018 - 1:23 pm
We had a genealogist write into the chapter with a query.  The researcher was asking for help finding living descendents of her great-grandmother. 
1. My first thought would be to try using DNA testing and possibly be able to connect with a distant cousin that way. 
2. Another might be census records and track forward in time the children of an ancestor as far as the last year census records have been released to the public (to 1940 so far).
This was one of the topics of the speaker at OGS's seminar last Fall (2017).  Did anyone attend and have notes or handouts?  Does anyone have any tips or suggestions for the person who wrote to the chapter along with anyone else who is trying to fill in aunts, uncles, cousins down to the present day? 
I will forward the written query to our corresponding secretary, but I think he would be willing to share the letter with anyone else willing to do some investigating or offer suggestions. 

Finding Living Descendents
Posted: 02/14/2018 - 4:14 pm
I wanted to see if there was anything online on this subject and it turns out that FamilySearch has some suggestions on this subject you can find their article at the following location
I wasn't able to insert the above as a link,  so I think you'll have to do a cut and paste.  
I have had mixed success contacting DNA match folks on Ancestry and GEDmatch,  but occaisionally I have hit pay dirt.  One descendant of a great uncle sent me a picture of my grandfather and grandmother and his dad had written on the back "my favorite brother"